Hello everyone,
I have exciting news for everyone...I have a job! Not that I didn't have one before, shout out to Rapture marketing. But this position fully reflects my passion and talents. Connecting with youth and making life-altering change. I am pretty much done with my first week, or so I think. (I can't quite remember the first day I started) So yeah, I am really excited because this will really present a new opportunity for me to gain brand new experiences and knowledge of business and tools that will certainly assist me in the present and propel me into the future. Additionally, I will finally be able to start to seriously save toward buying a house here in Miami and setting forth a new chapter in the family legacy.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say where I am working at. It is the Belafonte-Tacolcy center. You might say, "wait, Belafonte, I know that name." Yes, THAT Belafonte.

Please visit www.tacolcy.org for the full history of our journey. I am the coordinator of the F.A.S.T. program, which stands for Families Against Suspension and Termination. I am thoroughly enjoying my work and all of the challenges it has brought. I will soon start writing grants in the next few months as well which add another layer of challenge and reward. It is a tremendous growth opportunity of which I am EXTREMELY grateful.
Ok, on to more sobering yet joyful news. Today marks the one year memorial of the passing of my favorite people in life, Ms. Vernetta Marie King Clenance. Aunt Vernetta, or 'Aunt V.' as I came to know her was beyond awesome. She was a wellspring of creativity, inspiration, fun, and yes, correction and discipline. I had so much fun with her when she was around, yet she would let you know in a minute if you were sticking your nose where it didn't belong, not with a harsh word, but she spoke with authority. In her last several years, I did not get to see her that much, nevertheless there was never a moment that I doubted her love and support of my siblings and I. Her light truly shines on through her daughter and love, Ms. Imani Clenance, who is not only making it known how important she has come to be in her numerous contributions to various organizations and events, but she is, as our Grandma says, making it known how important it is to be nice.

So what's next in my world? Well tomorrow I will work from home for awhile and then head out to the beach. At lest that's the plan. Then I will probably start to put together a high-fun cost effective date for when Raquiyba comes into town!

Yes, Rara and I are headed on adventure and date at the end of the month. I am looking forward to it, especially here in Miami. It is such a cool city and will be a good time for us to enjoy each other in a splendid setting.
Also, perhaps last but not least, is an added blessing of this job and position. I will be able to fully make good on my promise made several years ago at Howard of sponsoring a child through Compassion International. www.compassion.com My heart was moved to action several years ago on Howard's campus when I came to hear Dr. Tony Campolo speak at our chapel, and one of the many things he spoke about was making the gospel 'carnate' through supporting "the least of these." Sadly, due to mainly a lack of focus and the cancer of materialism, I did not follow through on that promise I made in my heart. I do not know what happened to the child I was supposed to sponsor, but I do know that I will never let the latest gadget, Christian rap album, flight to visit (insert fun event here), or anything of that nature interfere with me following through on me being a man of the Word by being a man of my word. It is not only a cool thing to do, but a part of my 'reasonable service' that is described in Romans 12:1 in response to the glorious gifts that he has bestowed upon me and my loved ones. So matter the call that is placed upon your life, always remember the truth that "little becomes much when you place it in the Master's hand."