Indeed I am getting there! As we speak, one of the interns here at work is shredding a whole stack of old files in the GRINDER!!! If you don't know what the grinder is, do yourself a HUGE favor and watch the "GOODBURGER" movie. Rumor has it it is being shown on Nick at Nite starting recently.
So we just had a fire alarm a few minutes ago. Thankfully, no one pulled it. I had a PHENOMENAL weekend and looking forward to three weeks down the road. It is when I get to see the love of life. Cakes! Good news all around...
So what is next on your list of clothing? Nothing for me at least not for the next few months with what is going with our brothers and sisters in Haiti, but by fall I want to get another suit. Not just any suit though, I want to have my suit be a custom one with bell-bottoms as the trousers! I can't wait, but yet I must, for there are far more IMPORTANT things to take care of.
Today I am feeling good, feeling great, and it is primarily because of one extraordinary gift, COMMUNICATION! It is one of the things that really make the world go round and I definitely am grateful for the ever improving gift.
Additionally, I am coming through on my promise of giving you Jahmicah's blog, BEHOLD!
Do yourself a favor and visit, you will NOT be disappointed. I put that on my beard! (And you all know how much my sweet beard means to me!)
So how was your day? That good? .... GREAT!
Enjoy tonight's ear candy...thanks Jackson family. I wonder why Rebbie never sang more...this song is one my favs.
That was almost my shortest post ever! I accidentally posted it after I typed the title. It's like my 8th grade Algebra teacher told a girl in our class after she made a mistake on the calculator...fat fingers make mistakes! And mine probably do qualify. I am headed out to tackle the rest of the night but definitely wanted to come roaring back with something really insightful to say, instead for that though I would like to recommend the most recent posts of two blogs, and one of my hero's (literally) in life, Jahmicah Dawes. I seem to be getting the address wrong, so when I figure it out tomorrow, I will definitely post it.
That was not quite back with a vengeance...more like a meow...but work with me!
So I am still working on making my last post a reality. Yet I can do one thing that I have been meaning to do for quite some time now. Do shorter posts. So here goes my attempt. The day has gone well, especially because my brother from another Mother came through and spoke to my kids today. This cat has been one of my main men throughout my college times and beyond and we have many adventures, laughter, and yes, even tears. He is one of my heroes in life and so I am grateful for him coming to share with my program.
In music news, Ruslan from the groundbreaking hip-hop group has dropped a new mixtape, feel free to download it at the
I am super excited officially because my love, Raquiyba is coming into town. Extended family have opened up their home for to stay so that will help cut down on costs even more. I am saying all of this because it is just so encouraging to have people far & wide in your corner. Ah, the beauty of love and devotion when you place it in the Master's hand instead of bowing to the whims of society.
Oh yeah, I am back on my Tae-Bo tip and loving it! DOUBLETIME!!!
I dedicate this video to my girlfriend...let's make it happen!
Hey everyone! One of my quickest blogs ever, yet hopefully it will help someone. I have been beyond frustrated with not being able to blog on a consistent basis. It has mostly been because of my work days being more involved than expected and not having internet at the house. What I think is important to keep in mind though is that in life there will be situations that you cannot change. What should be most important though is not how to change it necessarily, but rather how to thrive/survive/excel/remain content and/or achieve in spite of it. For me, writing is extremely important, but so is having a job, especially now. (I see you cakes!) So what can I do? I do not have internet right now nor the money to make it happen, yet as of this summer I do have a laptop...
SOLUTION: I will start blogging my thoughts at night on Word and just transfer them over during the day here at work. The goal should have to be forsaken because of obligations. Strategize, work, and MAKE IT HAPPEN!
That all is for now...or should I say, TONIGHT?!?
Check out my main man Michael Manasseh for all things cool and lovely at, his funky fresh crew, Puzzle People have a new mixtape...and guess what, it's FREE!
And now, a song to reflect my glorious reality...Raquiyba Miriam Williams Bolton I love you.
I am a son of God, Locksley & Cheryl Dawes, big brother, Howard University grad, singer, writer, and business owner of Eklektos Fashion a clothing company focused on transforming culture through power of Christ and common sense. Our designs seek to not only challenge the faith of the masses, but also the status quo of everyday life. We look forward to your support and contributions!
I am a Texan who sounds like he is from nowhere near the state with Jamaican and Jewish ancestry. I graduated from Howard University in 2007 and seeking guidance for my next move career wise. Regardless of what it is, fashion will be right there with it. This blog will keep you informed on the past, present, and future happenings in my life, and also the progress of my company, Eklektos. Started on the campus of Howard University, we seek to challenge the status quo of society as well provide inspiration for day to day living and righteousness while reflecting the glory and grandeur of Jesus Christ.