Hey everyone, to say it has been a busy time is beyond an understatement. I have been having a blast in the meanwhile though. "How?" you may ask. Well let me give you a brief glimpse into my whirlwind that is known as my life.
Numbers raised: Apparently, although there is no official recognition, (and I don't need or seek any) I have been blessed to have achieved some of the highest percentages in the organization. Definitely was a group effort, so TEAM TACOLCY I thank you!
Simply having a wonderful "Michael Jackson" time. This was indescribable and while I can't give all the details, I can definitely say that I had an AWESOME time with the Lady in my Life, Ms. Raquiyba "Cakes" Miriam Bolton. She is beyond amazing, and we had a wonderful time in Raleigh, NC and I met her family: Umi, Dad, Jamiyla, Tiya, Hassan and Kayla B! There were all great and Umi cooked for me, the food was DELICIOSO! More than anything though, it was a priceless opportunity for me to get to know the lady I want to spend the rest of my life with on a deeper level.

"Togetherness contains untold beauty when enjoyed properly."
Additionally we went to the church's prom and it was FLY! There was a soul train line, classic old school music and love songs and just people enjoying life and their loves. For gifts that I thought would never come this soon...she is here, with me and for me.
Well I gotta run, but I thank you all for listening to my heart's song. More to come...