Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day trip!

Good morning all!

I hope you all have a great day. Yesterday, I was sooo tired during the day. I seriously thought that I posted in my mind. I think what happened though is that I went to the site and then fell asleep before I got a chance to post.

Today, I am going to hang out with my Ra-Ra (Raquiyba). She has never been to Dallas, so we are going to hang out, eat some good food, and hopefully show her some sights. I hope to post later on today, but right I am off to take a much needed shower and get ready to roll!


  1. omg we have the sam layout! i'm following your blog, so you better write good stuff :) you can follow me too if you want:

  2. Hey bum! I had a blog i made a long time ago so i could read one of my friend's blogs. I randomly post on it sometimes as well. Anyway, ill start reading yours too. Hope all is well, iraq is still awful but im coming home for a few weeks in april.
