These are the lyrics to a John Legend song, in which I really dig the beat. The song is ok...yet it reflects my feelings right now. Not ready to go, in a "Yo Ma, what's good" kind of way, but ready to go...to move on to the next step. Ready to go on in life,but it is really a test in patience. I feel so ready to move on towards the next step of independence. I think I just need to step up the level of diligence in trying to assure that certain things are the way I want them before I leave. Yet, in the midst of my diligence and efforts, I have to seriously remember on thing. There is only ONE Messiah. His is Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Christ, The Lion of Zion, The Good Shepherd. I could go on, but I mean to say that I am not He. So I must stop stressing over situations that I cannot change. Habits of others cannot be changed by me, for I am not God. So whatever I have not yet done, I don't need to seek to continue to do. God will bring about the change in His time as only He can; and I see now that I need to do is to just continue to pray.
So today we had a great time at church. Minister Marilyn Stewart gave a sermon on "Walking in Victory." It was definitely encouraging because it reaffirmed that victory is not really defined by circumstances or position in life. It is determined and defined by a faith in Christ regardless of the situation. This is my challenge with a message preached by many today. A modern message where your circumstances are explicitly determined by your service and faith in God. So is that to say if your situation is not as it should be, do you have enough faith in God? Or is it a result of you not giving enough? Well, to find the answer to that, I would just say take account of people around the world. I would venture to say tat there are those in countries around the world whose individual measure and exercise of faith is stronger than that of some of our households combined. Yet many go through more in one month than some of us would go through in our entire lives. It is not a commentary on their faith though. Rather it is a reality of the sustaining grace of God in the midst of adverse unjust situations and governments. This was no different than in Christ's day, where to say that the government was oppressive would be a gross understatement. The Romans were some vicious folks! It is God's presence and promise though that keeps us in the most dire of situations.
So last week my Mom and I were in D.C. for my Grandma's class of '59 reunion. We had a great time, but man, was it a BUSY time! It seemed that almost every time I turned around it was time to head back out into DC. We were out at my Grandma's in Gaithersburg. Through the years, I had heard stories about my Grandpa, the late great Curley King, and how he was the King of smooth talk. Well my Mom certainly proved she was certainly Curley King's daughter. The way she maneuvered through the Howard graduation maze was amazing. Then, to top it all off, she got us into the dinner for the honorees. There I met Morpheus himself, Laurence Fishburne, as well as Dick Gregory. I gave Mr. Fishburne a t-shirt. At the time, I didn't have my cards with me, and I thought that all was lost as far as a contact, but thanks to being aware, I got contact info without even asking. How is that for a riddle?
So DC was great, but upon my return I had a slight break from the fun. My sister had to move out of her dorm, so I went to help her upon my return. First though, I spent several hours at Firestone getting the brakes replaced on the Armada. That took quite a while, but in the process I met a really cool young lady and her mother. Her name is Faith Fitzgerald and she is a singer. You can find her on myspace music under her name. So when I finally arrived at A&M, it was well into the evening. Then the "fun" started. Franny D was on the third floor and there were absolutely no elevators. Needless to say, I got quite a bit of exercise. When we finally left, it was past 11 at night, and we stopped in Waco at an HEB parking lot to sleep. Well when we awoke to get back on the road, the car would not start. All of would have been lost, at least for the morning, had it not been for a most kind man in a streetsweeper vehicle. He gave us a jumpstart and was with us for about half an hour trying to start it. What had happened was that the battery was corroded. Thank God for coke...serious stuff!
I just finished watching Doubt...the tension was almost palpable...
Well I think I am just about caught up with my life and its' progress, except for saturday in which I saw The Neverending Story...I will write about that tomorrow though.
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ReplyDeleteVery well written. BTW nice pic! Blessings!