It is a virtue that I have a ton of and a tittle at the same time. Patience. It is definitely being tested here in Miami. I am enjoying being here, yet there are major challenges I am dealing with. Without going into exhaustive detail, I am in a situation where certain things need to move at a speed of necessity, yet they are moving at a rate of convenience. In this time though, I must use one of the greatest weapons that we have as human beings when it comes to getting our point across, humility! My point, though honestly valid, will be lost on elderly ears if it just a matter of me pushing my agenda. What I need to do now is humble myself before the Lord, (and in turn, before my Grandmother) hed and do everything I can possibly can to ensure peace. I really need to consider how I would feel if someone did something for me but did it the opposite of how I want it done. Not to cool I imagine. Yet this is what I often do, the majority of the time simply because I want to. Not because I have been "lead" to do otherwise, (though there have been a few times) but usually because I simply want to do what I think is best. Well the time for that will end now. In dealing with something of this magnitude, the ONLY way to overcome is through Spirit; but how can that be accomplished if my actions don't reflect the FRUIT of the SPIRIT? Long suffering...this is what it must be. And so I shall do it.
So, moving onward and upward, I was talking to my dear friend Raquiyba (Rara) last night, and I lamented about the fact that this blog is titled Eklektos Fashion, yet I don't really blog about fashion. Well that is going to change starting....wait for it...NOW! But what aspect of fashion shall I cover first? I think I will start with business wear.
*Initial advice given by overstock.com and further embellishment given by ME!
The dress pant.

Good to have in junior high and up, ESSENTIAL if you are a junior in high school or older, dress pants help to convey a certain sense of seriousness for the task at hand in a business setting or formal dinner. Now that you have a framework to reference, these tips will help you choose the pair of pants that is just right for you.
Detail #1: Pleated or flat-front dress pants
Pleated pants
Pleats work well if you have larger thighs or if you carry extra weight low on your torso.
One or two pleats can give a classic look to dress pants.
Pleats can be too much on a slimmer man. (They definitely can swallow up a thinner figure. Wouldn't know from experience, but I do know from observation)
Pleated pants require a cuff.
Flat-front pants
If you have larger thighs, flat-front pants may not accommodate your size. (True-this is a challenge of mine, but you might be able to pull it off if you go up one waist size without it looking baggy and with the aid of a good belt.)
Flat-front pants are very modern.
Flat-front pants flatter men with slim builds.
Flat-front pants can go with or without a cuff.
Detail #2: Cuffs or no cuffs
Cuffs are flattering on tall, lanky men. (I wouldn't know because I have never been lanky!)
Pleated pants need the weight of a cuff to hold the pleat in place.
If pants have cuffs when you buy them, a tailor can't take them away without dramatically changing the pants. (My two cents is, a pair for the occasional dinner would work well, but would probably be best avoided as the go to style.)
No cuffs
Shorter men will look taller without cuffs.
You don't need a cuff on flat-front pants.
Pants purchased without cuffs can have cuffs added by a tailor if you want. (Remember my two cents!)
The fly: Some men care and some men don't, but if you have strong feelings about button-fly pants or zip-fly pants, check and see what the pants you're looking at have. (Not exactly the fly, but all men be SURE that the crotch fits well, not SNUG! There is definitely a difference. I went to five stores two weeks ago in one day because the pants were too tight in the crotch. I tried on at least 15 pairs before I found one that fit me. Although it might seem 'cool' in your head, you definitely don't want your crotch to be the focus of any dinner or meeting!)
Slit pockets
Types of pockets: Most slacks have angled pockets on the sides (also known as slash pockets), but there are slight variations on the back pockets. Dress pants rarely have patch pockets, and instead you'll see slit pockets more often. The slit pockets may or may not have a button closure, and sometimes only one pocket has a button. If the back pockets aren't described, be sure to look at the picture. (Be sure that your pockets are completely in line with the pants, and do not disrupt the flow. If it does, then the pants do not fit right.)
Slim fit or wide legs: It's not just a matter of fashion -- different pants styles work better on different body types. Slender men will want to choose slim-fitting slacks so they won't look like they're borrowing clothes from Dad. Men who are larger on top -- either with a belly or a muscular chest -- will want to choose wide leg pants to balance their upper and lower halves. (Men with a belly, like me, will also do well to avoid cuffs and pleats. The last thing you want to do is have a 'segmented' look if you are a man of noticeable or significant girth)
Lining: Some pants -- usually those made from wool -- have a lining, often from the waist to the knees. If you prefer the feeling of the silky lining fabric to the feeling of wool, look for men's pants with a lining. Besides comfort, a lining a can also help pants retain their shape. (Note that in general there will almost as a rule be a noticeable price difference. Stay on the lookout for the bargain though!)
To top it all off, if it is business, unless stated otherwise, definitely go with a dress shirt. Sleeves should extend at least a 1/2" beyond the base of the wrist. For dinner, the world is your oyster, so go make a pearl of the night. Dress it up with a blazer or sport coat, or keep it more relaxed with a cardigan.
That's it for tonight! Ladies, don't think for a second for a second that I have forgotten about you. Most likely, you all will start to shine next week. "Why?" you may ask. Well I don't want to half step with my advice and I want to gather more observations and opinions from the fairer sex! Until tomorrow, be blessed and rest well.