Not because I don't like it; it is a really cool job with a GREAT deal of growth opportunity. But there are two things that I really have to consider. It isn't what makes me ultimately smile and the schedule is not allowing me to help my Grandma as I need to. What makes me smile is influencing and being around the youth; children inspire and challenge me, and I enjoy connecting with the future in the present. So I need to make a decision soon. Thankfully there might be an after-school counselor position or assistant directorship position available. We will see what happens.
So today I took my GKE test, a test that I have to take just to be able to substitute in the state of Florida. Unofficially I passed, but I need to see if I can expedite the process. Six weeks to start the process to work is not what I need at this time, but I will have to stay patient and faithful. Plus, divine protection was in the works as I accidentally left my car unlocked during the test. My laptop was still there when I came back. HE is the WONDER! What made it so amazing was that there were thousands, I mean thousands of cars in the parking lots of the campus, and when I finally came out mine was out there with maybe like ten others. And to be unlocked and unharmed....YEA GOD!
More fashion coming soon, but I have to run now and hit the streets...hope I can see my Godmother before I go home for the day. Live strong and true...
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