Sunday, May 3, 2009

Still pressing...

So yesterday I didn't get to post, but for good reason somewhat. The weather yesterday was bananas! Our power went out for a few hours, and during that time I was able to go and spend some time with our elderly neighbors across the alley. After the power came back on, they invited me for dinner. To which I gratefully accepted, then later on in the evening, I went to visit some more friends, the Ekhalids, to which they invited me to stay for dinner as well. So I definitely had my fill of great food yesterday!

Today I went to church where I had a fruitful time. Lessons learned and God was glorified I believe. Tonight I really want to finish cleaning up my room. Are you all hesitant to go on a trip without a clean room/house? I am, not out of superstition,but just so I don't have to come back and the situation still be the same. We will see if that happens or not, right now I must catch a nap!

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