For anyone who enjoys shopping as much as her to show that amount of discipline is a major mark of maturity. We just finished talking about being a 'preferred member' and how a lot of people would buy additional things just to be able to have that 'item of the month.' Really think about it though, the days of youth were filled parks, bad fashions and yes, Chuck E. Cheese!

Originally Showbiz Pizza, this place held wonder and magic for anyone who had enough tokens. And no the tokens did not grow on trees, and, even worse, a lot of times the tokens would not get you what you really desired until an additional trip to the Chuckster was made, or Mom & Dad forked over some more dollars to buy more tokens. And although riding the rocketship and playing skee-ball were fun, ultimately it was a childish pursuit, which they capitalized on with their motto, 'where a kid can be a kid.'
That is great and healthy for kids, but can really lead us into some unhealthy habits as adults. Trinket after trinket, "sale" after "sale," vivid colors and letter patterns are thrown at us with the intent of capitalizing on the child within. Well it is time to put childish things behind us! It is hard for to say this, because I enjoy shopping as much as the next guy. Wait, scratch that, more than the next guy. Nevertheless, it is time to put down the air hockey puck and join the real game of life. I for one, am beyond grateful for such an awesome teammate to embark on this adventure with. Life is moving whether we like it or not, don't get left on the merry go-round.
LOL! Good post! Love you!