Thursday, January 29, 2009

Adventurous day!

So I just came back from hanging out with some friends from high school and we had a great time! It is so neat to catch with friends from the past and see the maturity that takes place. Not so much that they were immature in the past, but more so that you and their worldview was limited with the fact that your previous sphere of existence took place in a vacuum known as high school. Once out, the horizons are infinitely broader and I believe we are the better for it.

I rode my bike there though, because my car cut out on my Dad today as he was leaving his substitute assignment at my prima alma mater, Birmingham elementary. Once I found that out, I began walking from the high school to my house. It was a few miles, but I actually enjoyed it. As I walked though, I actually began to take greater pride in the feeling that I was continuing in the great tradition of my from different traditions united by the fact that through the ages they have, as my Grandma Franciel says, "done what they had to do or felt they must." Jews, Jamaicans, Native Americans, Africans, and African Americans, my ancestors in my family, had dealt with so much at the hands of their oppressors with immeasurable strength and resolve. How then can I do anything different? Yet, I cannot take glory in this for it is only Christ who has kept me mindful of sacrifices past and the glory yet to come.

We will see what happens with the car. I had the timing belt fixed last Spring, and this is what it seems to be again. It is a 93' Honda whose name is Journey and was given to me by my brother Rory Scott. The car has been beyond awesome, yet I don't want to unwisely spend money on a vehicle that might not be dependable anymore when I might be able to put that towards another with less miles. It is defintiely named Journey appropriately, because I have put over 30,000 miles on it in a year and a half!

I must run to bed now, but everyone keep your ears peeled for great used car deals and take the time to reconnect with old friends. It is definitely a breath of fresh air.

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