On the way down to Port Aransas to my first pastor's funeral.
That is where I was when I first saw 'Thriller.' My friends had a big green GMC luxury van and we watched it while we were headed down for the services. Now today, there is another funeral that people all over the world will be preparing for. Michael Joseph Jackson passed away today early in the afternoon, apparently of a heart attack. He was 50 years old. Mike was my second favorite artist and has had a serious influence on my life. I am not a great dancer by any means, but I love to do so, and that is definitely in part to his artistry and vision. I can remember 1993 being at my friend's the Lewis' house right down the street watching Michael surrounded by a children's chorus of all colors and abilities singing 'Heal the World.' For me, it was a monumental moment because in the lyrics I heard such concern for those who had less and for those who would never have more. Hope was still evident though, because even at age 9 it said to me that I could do my part.
As I stated about a month ago, there is only One Messiah. Only He will heal the world, yet if we look throughout history we will see that God chooses mankind to be partakers with Him in that very healing. Today's passing has refreshed me in a way to continue my drive to be an agent of Christ and His agenda until my breath remains no longer. It is really something to be in a position where you literally buy the freedom of villages in different pockets of the world yet still are a slave to others. Unfortunately I believe Michael was in this situation a great deal of his life. A slave to society and public opinion. As innocence was lost at a tender age, he became the subject of Mahogany Jones' song, 'Everybody's Everything,' where his well being seemed to hinge on album sales or touring. As mankind can do so uniquely, fame proved to remain, yet was diminished throughout the years due to the fickleness of man and vicious allegations. This brought the opposite of freedom and often seemed to drive him into further isolation. We are never meant to be islands, but rather designed to enjoy freedom through faith in Person and Passion of Christ.
I cannot comment on Jackson's faith, but I will encourage everyone else to trust in Christ, live in freedom, and remain in community even if it must be sought out at times.
There will be never be another Michael, and I hope another will not even come close, for his iconic status came at tremendous personal sacrifice before the 1st grade even started. Yet I am grateful for a body of work that inspire and endure throughout my lifetime.