HEY! How is everyone? That's what I thought. You look good! Yes you...lol. So I want to apologize for the absencia. I feel like an honorary member of the Jackson 5 because I have "stayed away too long." It has been an interesting holdup, with a combination of fatigue, but the main holdup was back pain. And I don't mean the "oh it's early in the morning let me stretch" back pain. I'm talking about the "why am I literally walking sideways?" back pain. On Tuesday, with encouragement from literally no one other than the Holy Spirit, I pressed on to Bible study. At the end of the study, the other members prayed for me and I felt a significant change in the alignment of my back for the better. Yet, I think the ride back home set me back several steps upon my arrival at home. So these past few days I have been dealing with the challenge of getting it back in alignment. After many stretches and even a treatment at the physical therapy clinic I used to work at, my back still wasn't where it needed to be. This presented some serious challenges. (Imagine not being able to bend fully after arising from the comode...no es bueno!) I believe I am on the other side of it now though. Thank you Jesus and thank you pelvic tilt!
I think before I go to bed I am going to try to actually record on my web cam. I want to start doing video post on my blog. There is so much more to post on, but I think that will be it for tonight. Oh, and good news! I am finally getting serious about taking these GRE's. Sleep well everyone...especially me and my back!
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