Yes...the moment has arrived...PIZZATIME! No, that's not improper english you're seeing, that's a catch phrase from one of my favorite super nintendo games, Turtles in Time. I am playing the game, not quite as we speak, but it is on and I have made it to the fourth level. It is crazy now though feeling how it affects your hands! I'm not sure how much longer I can play this tonight. I keep having to pause and stretch my hand muscles! Anyways, today has been a good day. I found my jump drive! This was really huge because not only did I have NO idea where it had gone, but I had a lot of projects I have been working pretty hard on. I had it yesterday afternoon, but somehow between yesterday afternoon and night, it had disappeared on me. I had searched in Conquistador, (our Armada) already, but at my father's additional encouragement, I searched some more and there it was. It must have fallen out of my pocket on the way to work last night.
Speaking of work, today was my first night going to work by myself. It was weird not walking in with my Dad, a dynamic duo; but I had to do what I had to do. The night went well...I think. I will know on Monday really, because they have to do analysis and all that. I won't give that another thought this weekend though...because I have TURTLE POWER!
cowabunga dude!!! i havn't played a video game since summer of like 03 & it was some random tekken game (my fav)...mmmm now i want pizza :)