Today has been a good day. I am home in one good piece, and I have grabbed the DVD, "The Good Shepherd" from the living room. We have so many neat DVD's that I have never seen and have no idea about. I really wanted to see this one when it came out, but never got to, so I am looking forward to it and hope that I can stay awake long enough to see it.
I was late for work today. I rushed home after my half day assignment at the high school, then took my library CD back to the library. In the meanwhile, I put the George Foreman grill/griddle to work and had my sister Arlean finish the pancakes that I started. I drove home, ran in, smothered the pancakes in syrup, and then drove on to work. About three fourths of the way through, I ran into a eighteen wheeler was stranded across two lanes. That additional adventure and subsequent backup put me behind the eight ball, nevertheless the day turned out well.
I should be able to pick Journey up tomorrow. For those that might have frorgotten, that is my car. She is finally ready...My additional project should be ready soon...purchasing my Nikon camera! I am trying to balance everything right now, so I just have to keep me eyes open and my bank account full. Now that my Dad has his truck back, I need to see about getting some lawns to mow. The GRIND is not a game! Some more good news expect some new cloud photos soon...
So what new is going on your world?
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