Well my Dad won't be continuing on this project for the scoring of tests, but I choose to look at everyone situation as a blessing. "Why?" Well, for starters, Christ seriously knows what my family and I need every step of the way, and it has certainly been a lift to earn some additional income, not to mention a further boost in self-esteem. Additionally, my Dad and I have shared some good conversation going in to work together. It has been a while since I have worked with him, so it was good to be back in that capacity, earning a wage.
So that time has gone for the time being, but my prayer is that we make the most out of it. Just as God provided the job in the first place that we might be able to meet our obligations and further His kingdom through helping to provide for others; this time off is not to be taken lightly. To paraphrase John Piper, I'll RETIRE when I'm DEAD! I say this because it should be the attitude of every human, but especially the Christian. We cannot work our way to God, yet as beneficiaries of His love and grace, we should want to direct all that we have in some way back to Him. Even in times of unemployment from one job or another, we should desire to use a portion of our time serving Him and His people. (i.e. the least of these)
Well I need to get some rest so I am going to move on. I look forward to see what the day will bring tomorrow.
Let Love Rule,
Jahdai Locksley Dawes I
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