How was everyone's day today? Mine went well, I started off with a bit of uncertainty because I did not have a sub assignment, but then one came through at the last second. It was for a choir teacher at one of the junior high schools, so it was right up my valley! For those who don't know, I was in choir in high school as well is in college. Today was sooo easy! The assignment was last minute so she didn't have any plans, but there was a note to the secretary about watching a movie. So I went to the library and checked out...HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2: The Extended Edition! I know what you're thinking: definitely goofy for a 24 year old man to be excited about pretty much any Disney product, but I have really enjoyed those movies! Interestingly enough, the class that was most challenging for me was the all boys class! They just would not sit still, whereas it is usually the young ladies.
After school, I walked home because my Dad was over at another school, then I got into bed for a quick nap. I then woke up because, my TEMP job started today. It is going to be approximately two months every evening, and I am really grateful. This will be a big help to me financially because I will be retiring my credit card debt at the end of the assignment. I will still definitely retain the cards, because with my friends, you never know who might be jumping a broom near you, (Shout out to Kirk and Celeste...LUNDY!) so I need to be prepared. However, by the grace of God, I plan on this being the last time that I will carry a balance beyond the regular payment period.
So what I certainly holding onto now more than ever is trust. I will no longer be continuing on in the Teach for America process because I was not selected for the next stage, yet I am moving to Miami no matter what. I know in my spirit that that is where God would have me to be right now. Yet, I want to truly be a help beyond my presence. (i.e. helping to pay some bills) So, I move forward with expectation and action that Christ will provide like He has every step of the way. Who knows? Maybe He will give me another Howard testimony...
(I will have to share that one of these days) My first step though, is to sign off now and head to...that's right you guessed it, the gym! I am finallly going to get serious abo

ut my weight and health overall. Plus, I would like to get to the point where my physique matches my intellect in regards to health. I am considering doing personal training on the side in Miami and cannot just look the part, but must LIVE the part! I think a reasonable goal by the end of March is ten pounds, so keep me encouraged and in prayer. Everyone stay encouraged, optimistic, and focused and I will rap with you all soon. I think tomorrow I will write a poem...