The day started off really early because I really did those dishes last night. I put on my headphones and went for it. About an hour later, (it kind of felt like two) I was finished with all of the dishes washed and dried and a pristine, clean stove.
So no assignments came through for substituting today, so I stayed home to take care of business. I did not get as much done as I wanted, but I did accomplish a few things...kind of.
I booked a flight for my Mom. This proved to be quite an ordeal because my Mom wanted particular times for arrival and departure. It took me well over an hour to get that done.
I spoke with Matthew Atkins. Medicine for my heart and spirit. Perhaps I will be able to speak more on that later. All I can say right now is Christ is truly powerful and the Kingdom is UNSTOPPABLE!
Later on, I was going through old e-mails and I saw one from Laurel Brandstetter, good friend and proud owner of Mad Imports. I will dedicate a full post to her later, but I just had to mention right now how good it was to speak with her after at least a year and a half.
I also think I picked up on one thing that needs to happen when I am trying to accomplish goals on the computer...set a cap on the number of tabs that are open. To many leads to a traveling in circles-Luther Vandross style! Got me going in
All in all though, I would have to say that the highlight of the day was me starting to reall work out again. Not just a few push ups, but a full fledged workout! I did abdominals, push-ups and a full dance workout. I am already starting to feel better.
Lose twenty-five pounds by the end of summer...I can and WILL do it!
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