Tuesday, December 8, 2009
So I am encouraged so much by life and all that is has to offer! The post will be short tonight but I just want to say how grateful I am for all of you all in my life and the encouragement you provide.
I received news at the end of last week that my dear friend Ms. Cassandra Thompson passed away. This news came as a shock, but it was so surreal that I could almost have nothing but happiness for the situation. She did not suffer great agony, and she lived life as she wanted to live it. Beyond sassy with a heart of gold, it was Ms. Thompson that provided one of the ultimate expressions of love and sacrifice during one of my darkest hours; she took me in during the summer after my police profiling adventure.
It was just so amazing how she didn't give it a second thought when it came down to it. I had an awesome time of independence combined with togetherness. I somehow always came in around 11 or 12 at night, only to get up and shove to work the next morning on my bike back into NW. Then, on a few days where I overslept, she would fast forward her tasks in the morning and shuttle me across town. Then there were the times we would go out to the Amish Market for breakfast, the bbq shack down the road or just take a drive around town.
In the grace of Divinity and His mercy shed upon me during that time, that I just came so much closer to the full realization of God's love for me. His mercy is everlasting, and during that time I was not only allowed to see but experience the Love of God through this extraordinary woman.
My only regret is that I don't believe in our hustle and bustle during that time and the years before in HCOP at Howard we ever got a picture. Nevertheless, the memories and the laughter are priceless jewels in my life that I will never forget.
I look forward to seeing you Ms. Thompson, just not too soon! I have a lot of living to do, and a wonderful example in you of how to live and love well!
So much for the short post...
Your "baby boy",
Jahdai Locksley Dawes I
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Let the good times roll!
Oh what a beautiful mornnnn ning! Oh what a beautiful day...I've got a beautiful
feel-ling everythings going my way!
It really is for the most part too...there are several challenges that I am fighting through and it has become apparent that I need a second job. (Being on salary is NOT enough right now for the plans that I have...) Yet all of that is secondary to my good news.
For those of you who have not checked my fb relationship status, I have my first...you guessed it, GIRLFRIEND!
Raquiyba Williams-Bolton, aka "Rara," came down to Miami from Raleigh for another date and it was a blast! We went to the beach twice, and I would show pictures fron the first time, but it was already dark. The second time wasn't though and we had a delicious time! No pun nor double entendre intended; we really did though because our virgin daiquiris were great and the few bites I had of Rara's food was good too.
Originally, I wasn't feeling good enough to take on actual food, but I eventually felt good enough to take a few bites of her food.
The other thing that we went to actually before the beach the first time was Gospel Adrenaline 4...now I have to be honest, when we finally got there, (you all know how I can be with directions...LOL!)I though for the first 45 minutes that what I had ended up doing was making a donation to the ministry because Raquiyba and I were basically the ONLY ones dancing. It felt kind of like an eighth grade dance where folks still haven't let go of playing the wall. Well about an hour into us being there, this cat comes up to me and says, "you ready for it to go down? We about to set it off!" I said "yeah", but was thinking "yeah right" in my head. Sweet niblets was I wrong! That party went into overdrive for the King, with all kinds of folk coming in, getting LIVE and hype for the Prince of Peace, whom for folks that didn't know Christ before, probably thought of Him as the Prince of CRUNK after that night. Shout out to www.godisobvious.com, DJ Obadiah, NuWave Sound Systems and DJ Rickshaw for an unforgettable evening. Nothing like saints getting down for their crown...
So we then went to Biscayne Bay where I held her in my manly arms and we talked. In the midst of our enjoying each others company though, Ra thought, rather wisely, to check on her flight. In all honesty, her staying the next day was not e prime option all of a sudden because of my lack of funds. Yet in that moment I said to myself and she agreed that she didn't want to leave. No money magically appeared in my pocket nor bank account though, so she was still going to need to catch that left. To add intrigue, my phone cut off a little bit before, (silly battery draining GPS!) so I told Ra that I would ask the couple next to me who were having their own clean good time. I asked them, and although I could tell they were initially hesitant, they relented and let us use it. Turns out though, the guy was an exec for the circus! Yes, that's right, Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey circus. This was huge for me, because Jahmicah, my brother, would usually get several birthday celebrations for his birthday, and one would almost always involve the circus as a part of the celebration. So I chatted it up with him and hopefully he will send me a ticket...
Long story short, our magnificent and HONEST time continued and although I can't say enough about it, I will. I can't tell you everything, gotta save something for the book! So although Key Biscayne was the "place" as far as scenery goes to take things to the next level, I waited until I got to the airport to ask her to be my girlfriend...and she said YES!
We are in the first week of this yet it feels much longer in a good way. There is such familiarity combined with respect and consideration that yields a strength to rival most. Partners in understanding, communication, dreams and PRAYER! Life was good already but this placed into another stratosphere of excitement and possibility. I think I will write a poem about all of this soon. In the meanwhile, this post will have to do.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Jahdai Loves the Kids...

Maybe this will be a good way to kick it off...this totally awesome song just popped into my head. Queshia, I think you will dig this one.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Keep it moving....

In keeping with the MartyMar and Blog Smlog tradition, I want to a concise (i.e. short) blog tonight. Number one, because I need to get to bed. Number two, again the bed...except it is actually a couch I have been sleeping on for the past several months. Not to lament though, a bed is in the works several paychecks down the road. Goals for the night include washing my dark clothes because it is PAST that time for a few pieces and also potentially buying some more dress socks. I have been without socks the past two days here in the office because the ones I have STINK, nevertheless baking soda can only do so much for odor, especially the feet!
And BTW, I tweeted and fb'd about this, but I want to let you know too, I just finished my first guest blog spot on my brother from another/gente from another placente, MartyMar. His blog was already supercool, so I hope I added to it and didn't put people to sleep. He seemed to like it, although it was just a tweet so I couldn't see his face. Maybe Twitter should have emoticons to help us see behind the words...my next gold mine, a Twittercon!
Did anyone see Dancing with the Stars last night? Mya is incredible...of course I have known that since the 'Rugrat' soundtrack days, but wow...she really looks like a pro. I know she is a dancer, but ballroom dancing is NOT the same as other types.
On to the cool stuff for today...this is one of my FAVORITE songs, and a really good song to sleep to. In the next few months, I hope to make my own video of this song, but until then, this will have to do...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Step it up self!
I literally just thought of this 29, no 30 seconds ago. Not because I am being super deep, but because I am determined for my mind to be a remix factory. A place where the lies and setbacks are transformed into tools to use on the quest for truth and fuel towards greater and consistent personal responsibility. I say that because I just found out that potentially I will have a traffic ticket on my record because I failed to pay the second portion of the fee. I was stopped right before i moved to Miami by the police and I had elected to take the defensive driving course. Long story short, money has been tight all this time and I got the date wrong so now I will have to face the consequences. I wrote a letter to the judge and mailed it today, (doing it in the same day is HUGE for me!) but for it come under these circumstance is not quite cause for celebration. Nevertheless, I can let this get the rest of my day down and allow it to be a worthless tool for me to resent authority, (something I already struggle with) or I can use it as a stern reminder of how important our oaths are in our everyday lives, especially financial ones. Should this not be removed, I will be left without excuse as to why I will now have to pay more in insurance each month and whatever else comes along with it. Yet the choice still remains both through grace and choice of the mind as to how you will use it. I for one will choose to use it as a reminder to never let the cares of day to day existence keep me from my word. Could I have taken a loan from a family member to take care of the defensive driving? No doubt. Should I have sacrificed a news segment on CNN or a conversation with a friend to take thirty seconds to enter in a reminder of the due date of my ticket? Absolutely! So now I stand here like a black Tim Taylor, it's tool time. Allow yourself to use setbacks as tools for building the foundation for the future instead of agents of destruction in the present.
Sometimes you just have to put the world on pause to address your responsibilities. Lisa McClendon has done so...here it is.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Not so common sense
Anyways, today's post will be quick as I need to get to bed for work tomorrow. Today was a challenging one because of several disagreements with my Grandma regarding what she felt was 'common sense.' Well, for anyone who knows me at least semi-intimately knows that how I think is anything but 'common.' Yet, it ended up working out and we got a lot done today.
Before all that though, I went to follow through on my modest but neat plans for my ride. I named it Shine due it needing a thorough paint job, several months ago. However, it looks like I might need to change the name perhaps by the end of the month. I went to meet up with this cat who is a friend of a friend. After taking at least 15 minutes to find the place although I was literally less than a mile away.
(Ya'll know how I am with directions) I found the place and was talking to him for a bit. He showed me some of his current projects and WOW! There is a vintage Benz he is working on as well a 60-something Nova with everything seemingly except wings to fly. I began to then just outline what I wanted to do and gave the terms of what I could do in regards to payment. He not only listened, but agreed! So by next week, I should be starting on those projects, but not before I start supporting Compassion.
Well to sum it up, I am just encouraged by life and Christ. I love you all so much and will definitely talk to you all tomorrow some more.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Drum roll please....
I have exciting news for everyone...I have a job! Not that I didn't have one before, shout out to Rapture marketing. But this position fully reflects my passion and talents. Connecting with youth and making life-altering change. I am pretty much done with my first week, or so I think. (I can't quite remember the first day I started) So yeah, I am really excited because this will really present a new opportunity for me to gain brand new experiences and knowledge of business and tools that will certainly assist me in the present and propel me into the future. Additionally, I will finally be able to start to seriously save toward buying a house here in Miami and setting forth a new chapter in the family legacy.
Oh yeah, I forgot to say where I am working at. It is the Belafonte-Tacolcy center. You might say, "wait, Belafonte, I know that name." Yes, THAT Belafonte.

Ok, on to more sobering yet joyful news. Today marks the one year memorial of the passing of my favorite people in life, Ms. Vernetta Marie King Clenance. Aunt Vernetta, or 'Aunt V.' as I came to know her was beyond awesome. She was a wellspring of creativity, inspiration, fun, and yes, correction and discipline. I had so much fun with her when she was around, yet she would let you know in a minute if you were sticking your nose where it didn't belong, not with a harsh word, but she spoke with authority. In her last several years, I did not get to see her that much, nevertheless there was never a moment that I doubted her love and support of my siblings and I. Her light truly shines on through her daughter and love, Ms. Imani Clenance, who is not only making it known how important she has come to be in her numerous contributions to various organizations and events, but she is, as our Grandma says, making it known how important it is to be nice.

So what's next in my world? Well tomorrow I will work from home for awhile and then head out to the beach. At lest that's the plan. Then I will probably start to put together a high-fun cost effective date for when Raquiyba comes into town!

Also, perhaps last but not least, is an added blessing of this job and position. I will be able to fully make good on my promise made several years ago at Howard of sponsoring a child through Compassion International. www.compassion.com My heart was moved to action several years ago on Howard's campus when I came to hear Dr. Tony Campolo speak at our chapel, and one of the many things he spoke about was making the gospel 'carnate' through supporting "the least of these." Sadly, due to mainly a lack of focus and the cancer of materialism, I did not follow through on that promise I made in my heart. I do not know what happened to the child I was supposed to sponsor, but I do know that I will never let the latest gadget, Christian rap album, flight to visit (insert fun event here), or anything of that nature interfere with me following through on me being a man of the Word by being a man of my word. It is not only a cool thing to do, but a part of my 'reasonable service' that is described in Romans 12:1 in response to the glorious gifts that he has bestowed upon me and my loved ones. So matter the call that is placed upon your life, always remember the truth that "little becomes much when you place it in the Master's hand."
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
On another note, everyone please check out soulmana.com, my dear friend and one of my inspirations in life, Mr. Michael Manasseh, is about to release his first non hip-hop instrumental album, entitled Rocketship Down. I am super excited about it, and also encouraged at the obedience that my brother has shown. I consider myself a pretty talented cat, but my design talent is nowhere near that of Manasseh's...nowhere near, lol! Yet when the Spirit of God speaks to his heart in a way that is at the very least counterculture, he listens. It is definitely an example to consider in all of our lives.
Well I might write more later on, but now I need to make like a bird and fly! See some of you in DC!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Sparse and few between...

Indeed, last night I was maybe a mile and a half from the home, talking to the lovely Raquiyba, when in mid-sentence lights flashed on behind me. I immediately informed her, then pulled off as quickly as possible. The officer came over and asked me for my license and registration, which I promptly provided. He then proceeded to ask me if I had any weapons or drugs in the car, to which my answer was and will always be NO! (Especially on the drugs part) He then told me to pull off the road, which I did. Then he told me to pull up more, which I also did. All the while, in the back of my mind was a potential of re-hash of 2+ years ago, but in the front of my mind were prayers to Christ for His protection and grace. Thankfully there was no re-hash and I emerged unscathed and with a warning to which I definitely will heed. I had no idea about the tag light. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle!

I need to move on with the rest of the day now! I ended up taking the day off because my boss said I could not have a half day to work...fair enough! I am going to maximize it though and try to order some business cards and also attend a seminar on teaching in Broward county and applying for free scholarship money. The cancer of slothfulness is now in PERMANENT REMISSION and my grind is ON!
Talk to you all soon...or will I? Lol...
Thursday, September 17, 2009
What makes me smile....
Not because I don't like it; it is a really cool job with a GREAT deal of growth opportunity. But there are two things that I really have to consider. It isn't what makes me ultimately smile and the schedule is not allowing me to help my Grandma as I need to. What makes me smile is influencing and being around the youth; children inspire and challenge me, and I enjoy connecting with the future in the present. So I need to make a decision soon. Thankfully there might be an after-school counselor position or assistant directorship position available. We will see what happens.
So today I took my GKE test, a test that I have to take just to be able to substitute in the state of Florida. Unofficially I passed, but I need to see if I can expedite the process. Six weeks to start the process to work is not what I need at this time, but I will have to stay patient and faithful. Plus, divine protection was in the works as I accidentally left my car unlocked during the test. My laptop was still there when I came back. HE is the WONDER! What made it so amazing was that there were thousands, I mean thousands of cars in the parking lots of the campus, and when I finally came out mine was out there with maybe like ten others. And to be unlocked and unharmed....YEA GOD!
More fashion coming soon, but I have to run now and hit the streets...hope I can see my Godmother before I go home for the day. Live strong and true...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Patience grasshopper...

It is a virtue that I have a ton of and a tittle at the same time. Patience. It is definitely being tested here in Miami. I am enjoying being here, yet there are major challenges I am dealing with. Without going into exhaustive detail, I am in a situation where certain things need to move at a speed of necessity, yet they are moving at a rate of convenience. In this time though, I must use one of the greatest weapons that we have as human beings when it comes to getting our point across, humility! My point, though honestly valid, will be lost on elderly ears if it just a matter of me pushing my agenda. What I need to do now is humble myself before the Lord, (and in turn, before my Grandmother) hed and do everything I can possibly can to ensure peace. I really need to consider how I would feel if someone did something for me but did it the opposite of how I want it done. Not to cool I imagine. Yet this is what I often do, the majority of the time simply because I want to. Not because I have been "lead" to do otherwise, (though there have been a few times) but usually because I simply want to do what I think is best. Well the time for that will end now. In dealing with something of this magnitude, the ONLY way to overcome is through Spirit; but how can that be accomplished if my actions don't reflect the FRUIT of the SPIRIT? Long suffering...this is what it must be. And so I shall do it.
So, moving onward and upward, I was talking to my dear friend Raquiyba (Rara) last night, and I lamented about the fact that this blog is titled Eklektos Fashion, yet I don't really blog about fashion. Well that is going to change starting....wait for it...NOW! But what aspect of fashion shall I cover first? I think I will start with business wear.
*Initial advice given by overstock.com and further embellishment given by ME!
The dress pant.

Good to have in junior high and up, ESSENTIAL if you are a junior in high school or older, dress pants help to convey a certain sense of seriousness for the task at hand in a business setting or formal dinner. Now that you have a framework to reference, these tips will help you choose the pair of pants that is just right for you.
Detail #1: Pleated or flat-front dress pants
Pleated pants
Pleats work well if you have larger thighs or if you carry extra weight low on your torso.
One or two pleats can give a classic look to dress pants.
Pleats can be too much on a slimmer man. (They definitely can swallow up a thinner figure. Wouldn't know from experience, but I do know from observation)
Pleated pants require a cuff.
Flat-front pants
If you have larger thighs, flat-front pants may not accommodate your size. (True-this is a challenge of mine, but you might be able to pull it off if you go up one waist size without it looking baggy and with the aid of a good belt.)
Flat-front pants are very modern.
Flat-front pants flatter men with slim builds.
Flat-front pants can go with or without a cuff.
Detail #2: Cuffs or no cuffs
Cuffs are flattering on tall, lanky men. (I wouldn't know because I have never been lanky!)
Pleated pants need the weight of a cuff to hold the pleat in place.
If pants have cuffs when you buy them, a tailor can't take them away without dramatically changing the pants. (My two cents is, a pair for the occasional dinner would work well, but would probably be best avoided as the go to style.)
No cuffs
Shorter men will look taller without cuffs.
You don't need a cuff on flat-front pants.
Pants purchased without cuffs can have cuffs added by a tailor if you want. (Remember my two cents!)
The fly: Some men care and some men don't, but if you have strong feelings about button-fly pants or zip-fly pants, check and see what the pants you're looking at have. (Not exactly the fly, but all men be SURE that the crotch fits well, not SNUG! There is definitely a difference. I went to five stores two weeks ago in one day because the pants were too tight in the crotch. I tried on at least 15 pairs before I found one that fit me. Although it might seem 'cool' in your head, you definitely don't want your crotch to be the focus of any dinner or meeting!)
Slit pockets
Types of pockets: Most slacks have angled pockets on the sides (also known as slash pockets), but there are slight variations on the back pockets. Dress pants rarely have patch pockets, and instead you'll see slit pockets more often. The slit pockets may or may not have a button closure, and sometimes only one pocket has a button. If the back pockets aren't described, be sure to look at the picture. (Be sure that your pockets are completely in line with the pants, and do not disrupt the flow. If it does, then the pants do not fit right.)
Slim fit or wide legs: It's not just a matter of fashion -- different pants styles work better on different body types. Slender men will want to choose slim-fitting slacks so they won't look like they're borrowing clothes from Dad. Men who are larger on top -- either with a belly or a muscular chest -- will want to choose wide leg pants to balance their upper and lower halves. (Men with a belly, like me, will also do well to avoid cuffs and pleats. The last thing you want to do is have a 'segmented' look if you are a man of noticeable or significant girth)
Lining: Some pants -- usually those made from wool -- have a lining, often from the waist to the knees. If you prefer the feeling of the silky lining fabric to the feeling of wool, look for men's pants with a lining. Besides comfort, a lining a can also help pants retain their shape. (Note that in general there will almost as a rule be a noticeable price difference. Stay on the lookout for the bargain though!)
To top it all off, if it is business, unless stated otherwise, definitely go with a dress shirt. Sleeves should extend at least a 1/2" beyond the base of the wrist. For dinner, the world is your oyster, so go make a pearl of the night. Dress it up with a blazer or sport coat, or keep it more relaxed with a cardigan.
That's it for tonight! Ladies, don't think for a second for a second that I have forgotten about you. Most likely, you all will start to shine next week. "Why?" you may ask. Well I don't want to half step with my advice and I want to gather more observations and opinions from the fairer sex! Until tomorrow, be blessed and rest well.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
No labor on yesterday...
I have got to establish some kind of routine here! I did not get to the library during the weekend, so I could not blog. And yesterday, the library was closed, so that did not work too well either. Nevertheless, I did have an AWESOME time at the beach yesterday with my good friend Nancy and made new friends. Let's see if I can remember their names....Tai, Rocco, Dominic, Solomon, Richard, Amber, her toddler Elisa, and her roommate Jen, Crystal, Tonya, and Nikki. Tai and Rocco are chefs and they more than lived up to their title. The food was great! I got some good shots, did a little swimming, but very carefully because I just got my hair done! This lady named Yashimabet did a marvelous job, and I need to hurry and get some more fashion shots in my shirts before my loses its' fresh look! Anyways, being at the beach just reminded me of the magnificance (is that word? Should be) of God. To be in the Atlantic ocean and to remember the creation account in Genesis of how the Spirit of God hovered over the water was awesome.
I have been to Miami at least five times in the past few years and have not gone to the beach. Although I am honored and blessed to be here with my Grandmother, I am going to need to start spreading my wings and doing different things on my own. The good thing is, she seems to be more than cool with it. Two fiercely independent people under one roof...may God's grace continue.
Today I had an interview at LA Fitness. I think they were impressed with me, but I am definitely going to need divine revelation as to whether or not the position is for me. I would be making 50+ calls a day, with the expectation to seal the deal on at least two memberships a day. It is something I could see myself doing, but it would be a full time job, which would mean no substituting for the moment. I can't sub yet anyway, but the time is coming soon. I love the teaching process, but have also grown to enjoy sales, albeit I have never done anything that intense. Time will tell. So I am off to the house to get some food and also listen to a barrage of new songs that I downloaded off youtube via my realplayer. I think realplayer is hands down the best media player on the market currently. There are so many helpful features. Among the gems I copped today: Spice Girls, Monty G, Q-Tip w/ Erykah Badu, old Micheal Jackson videos from their variety show and different videos on culture and faith.
How was your weekend? Hopefully your view of the sky was as awesome as mine.
Until next time, (tomorrow hopefully)stay encouraged and blessed.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
We as human beings have got to start caring more for another and take a stand when others refuse to do the same.
I still don't have internet yet and the library is closing. Hopefully I will make it back here tomorrow and get to write some more.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Excuses cannot master you...
If you ever needed inspiration for eradicatin of your excuses in life, I beg you to watch this!
I am newly inspired and this truly helped to give me hope for the future....Miami later on today. The time is upon me....
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Countdown quickly continues...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
A redo?

I am almost seriously wondering if I should do a re-post of my last post, for that is what prayerfully will happen tomorrow. I will have one more crack at a garage sale for a long time.
What it hinges upon is the time my Mom gets out to work. I was clearing things out in the attic today, which got me nice and sweaty. This was a good day because I feel the manifestation of freedom from materialism coming slowly but SURELY! There is so much stuff for tomorrow and lots more to give.
So tonight I went next door to my neighbor's house who I, along with others have gone out ministering with. He had invited some Mormon "Elders" to his house to discuss their beliefs. It was a fruitful time and we certainly gave them more than their fair share of time to speak, but it was interesting to say the least. My buddy, Justin, who is PhD. in Biblical studies asked a question from a book on Joseph Smith in which he states that God had a Father and that Father had a Father. Well, needless to say, this caused somewhat of a downturn in the night for them, and then my question did the same, although it was not my intention to do so AT ALL! So in various readings on different faiths and whatnot, I came across the fact that blacks were not allowed to worship in the temple until 1978. When I challenged them on this, they tried to answer it, but said their answer would be that they would have to pray about it.
In accordance with their faith, it definitely would be a good thing to do. As far as my Christian faith goes, apologies were made for past actions of slavery and discrimination along with admissions of error. Logic and records of modern serve as irrefutable to the genius and worth of African-Americans, so I certainly hope that following their prayer, their answer would be sincere humility regarding error, and that it would bring to know the MATCHLESS love of Christ.
I love you all...
Pax in Christi,
Jahdai L. Dawes
Friday, August 14, 2009
Keep trying!

Which is what I will have to do regarding this Garage Sale. Long story short, I finally put stuff out at about 3, but I did not have one person stop. My last effort on that end is on Sunday when I get back from Houston.
Speaking of persistence though, congratulations are in order to my dear friend and former object of my intense affection, (though from afar) Keandra Pritchard. (It's ok guys, she knows! Lol...) A truly long story made short, she transferred to Prairie View from Howard after academic "adventures" shared by many of her classmates in the nursing division. She endured some of the same at Prarie View, with the most recent being a class that the computer added resulting in a hold that she had NO control over. But Christ was in control even of the midst of that situation, and she called me today with victorious news of everything being clear. God is truly magnificent! So are the gifts He has given to us...such as persistence! Ok, I am now going to garner a few hours of rest so I can drive to H-town for the festivities.
Pursue your intended outcome with passion...
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Try, try again!

Which is exactly what I will be trying again to have a "giveaway sale." This is what has been put on my heart to do. Franny D (my sister) and I did it a few months ago and we ended up gaining more financially than when we were selling things. For anyone who has known me during my collegiate years know that I have not had a problem with having enough of anything. So now that I am here with people (i.e. my family) who have more than enough themselves, it has turned into nothing short of interesting. I am just hoping that this will offer a legitimate chance at renewal in real quality living of enjoying our possessions as opposed to our possessions possessing us. Does anyone have or know someone that has a struggle anywhere near this?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hello there!
I say this because when I was growing up until like 7, we didn't even have a fence. That is how clean it was. But somewhere between having a house fire and my Mom losing her Dad, shopping occusred. And more shopping, and more shopping...and, well you the picture...maybe. It is beyond curious how different events in our lives can manifest their hurt and frustration in further detriment. I believe this is the case with our household in the last decade. I said the other day that "it is what it is, but it doesn't have to stay that way." I fully believe that, and will work as hard as I can to change more things around through God's strength before I leave.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
कात्चिंग उप...
As we finished our prayer, we opened our eyes to find her there in our midst, praying along with us. God even took it a step further by allowing my buddy Josh and I extra time to talk with her. I believe we were able to make some great genuine connections and to encourage someone along the way.
How was your day? Feel free to let this be a safe place to get things off your chest and receive some sound advice.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009

On the way down to Port Aransas to my first pastor's funeral.
That is where I was when I first saw 'Thriller.' My friends had a big green GMC luxury van and we watched it while we were headed down for the services. Now today, there is another funeral that people all over the world will be preparing for. Michael Joseph Jackson passed away today early in the afternoon, apparently of a heart attack. He was 50 years old. Mike was my second favorite artist and has had a serious influence on my life. I am not a great dancer by any means, but I love to do so, and that is definitely in part to his artistry and vision. I can remember 1993 being at my friend's the Lewis' house right down the street watching Michael surrounded by a children's chorus of all colors and abilities singing 'Heal the World.' For me, it was a monumental moment because in the lyrics I heard such concern for those who had less and for those who would never have more. Hope was still evident though, because even at age 9 it said to me that I could do my part.
As I stated about a month ago, there is only One Messiah. Only He will heal the world, yet if we look throughout history we will see that God chooses mankind to be partakers with Him in that very healing. Today's passing has refreshed me in a way to continue my drive to be an agent of Christ and His agenda until my breath remains no longer. It is really something to be in a position where you literally buy the freedom of villages in different pockets of the world yet still are a slave to others. Unfortunately I believe Michael was in this situation a great deal of his life. A slave to society and public opinion. As innocence was lost at a tender age, he became the subject of Mahogany Jones' song, 'Everybody's Everything,' where his well being seemed to hinge on album sales or touring. As mankind can do so uniquely, fame proved to remain, yet was diminished throughout the years due to the fickleness of man and vicious allegations. This brought the opposite of freedom and often seemed to drive him into further isolation. We are never meant to be islands, but rather designed to enjoy freedom through faith in Person and Passion of Christ.
I cannot comment on Jackson's faith, but I will encourage everyone else to trust in Christ, live in freedom, and remain in community even if it must be sought out at times.
There will be never be another Michael, and I hope another will not even come close, for his iconic status came at tremendous personal sacrifice before the 1st grade even started. Yet I am grateful for a body of work that inspire and endure throughout my lifetime.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Here I am!
This summer holds the ultimate possibilities for randomness. I have absolutely a minimal chance of staying current on this blog. I just purchased my ticket for Miami while at work today, so my first jaunt down there will be July 5th. The next week and a half (possibly more) will be a whirling dervish of activity and travel. We will be driving to Houston together, yes, just the two of us, with a pit stop in Atlanta. My Grandma wishes to do some shopping there for her business, and I actually misspoke because this Grandma does not wish, she just DOES! So we will be doing that, riding in comfort in her new Dodge Grand Caravan. It will be properly 'christened' once this trip is through. I need to ask Sis's parents if we can stay, which I almost know the answer to...YES! Of course I will ask though, because it not only the right thing to do, but her parents are so cool that they literally might be in another part of the country or the world if I don't call first.
Is silence really golden? That is the question I found myself asking self this past week and a half. My moving to Miami might present a quandry for some, but my rules of preparation still spply, at least I hope. What happened though is this, I had an unexpectedly great time with a female friend from high school and have considered having it again. (Not to worry brothers and sisters, it was all very PG.) Yet, having experienced a woman who was very forward (no, AGAIN not in that sense, lol) in what she wanted, I am experiencing what seems to be the TOTAL opposite here. I think I will just fall back. Thanks Jay-Z, that's the only decent advice you have ever given me.
I thought of a somewhat unsettling analogy: blogging is the electronic version of a BM. In my desire to keep this blog above-board, if you don't know what that is, trust me, they will know. It is refreshing and opportunity to just release the crap, necessary or otherwise, that you are going through.
Speaking of the otherwise, I am finally learning how to complete this form my Mom needs for her business. I am drawing it myself now, but was trying at sundry points these last two weeks to scan it and convert it to a fillable form. That should not need to happen now that I have started drafting it into a replicated format on Word. What had complicated matters was that I took my computer back to the guy I bought it from, and hard drive 'crashed' while it was there. Now I know finger pointing won't do any good, but I don't know why he wouldn't have backed up my info before replacing it. He said I didn't, which is true because I didn't ask for the original drive to be replaced in the first place!!! I should bave done this myself a while ago and should no one really be able to gather info off the disk, I will have learned SERIOUS lesson.
That is not all I have for now, but my other thoughts are currently escaping me. The project I encourage you all to check out and add to your library is "I love the 80's" by Cookbook. It is available on his myspace page, www.myspace.com/cookbook
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Britney Spears
Wow! It seems that once again I am writing again apologizing for not writing. So...oooppps, I did it again! Well if I can remember, there will be no more apologies, for while I intend on writing something eveeryday, I am now well aware that that doesn't always happen.
I went on a long bike ride tonight. I am trying to spark this metabolism as I am trying to live better and healthier by hopefully losing twenty pounds this summer. Maybe after tongight I will only have 19...
I can't think of my list, but something is telling me that I need to go to bed. There is a lot of work to do, and I want to be diligent and effetive...so good night. For now...
Friday, June 12, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Get to it...
That is my thought for tonight, when it comes to blogging. No matter how much or how little, I need to release my thoughts. Now I do so on a daily basis with friends and family; and while blogging is not nor will it ever be an acceptable substitute for human interaction, but it is an exhilarating compliment. So I need to make it a point to spend time each day even if it is only five minutes.
Tonight I just heard one of the most gorgeous songs in my life by an artist named Dalida, the link is here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7jEakFmWUE The song is really sung with passion and her voice is so rich... I have so much more to write, but I will have to spread it out because I need to get on to bed so I can tutor in the morning.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
HEY! How is everyone? That's what I thought. You look good! Yes you...lol. So I want to apologize for the absencia. I feel like an honorary member of the Jackson 5 because I have "stayed away too long." It has been an interesting holdup, with a combination of fatigue, but the main holdup was back pain. And I don't mean the "oh it's early in the morning let me stretch" back pain. I'm talking about the "why am I literally walking sideways?" back pain. On Tuesday, with encouragement from literally no one other than the Holy Spirit, I pressed on to Bible study. At the end of the study, the other members prayed for me and I felt a significant change in the alignment of my back for the better. Yet, I think the ride back home set me back several steps upon my arrival at home. So these past few days I have been dealing with the challenge of getting it back in alignment. After many stretches and even a treatment at the physical therapy clinic I used to work at, my back still wasn't where it needed to be. This presented some serious challenges. (Imagine not being able to bend fully after arising from the comode...no es bueno!) I believe I am on the other side of it now though. Thank you Jesus and thank you pelvic tilt!
I think before I go to bed I am going to try to actually record on my web cam. I want to start doing video post on my blog. There is so much more to post on, but I think that will be it for tonight. Oh, and good news! I am finally getting serious about taking these GRE's. Sleep well everyone...especially me and my back!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I said I would do it...
The end of school is quickly approaching and I still need a summer job! I must keep my eyes peeled because there is a lot of stuff I need to take care of during the summer...I will keep you posted with all updates on the employment front. I have more updates, but am going to pause right now because I must be up in like five hours and change. Until tonight perhaps....
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ready to go right now...

These are the lyrics to a John Legend song, in which I really dig the beat. The song is ok...yet it reflects my feelings right now. Not ready to go, in a "Yo Ma, what's good" kind of way, but ready to go...to move on to the next step. Ready to go on in life,but it is really a test in patience. I feel so ready to move on towards the next step of independence. I think I just need to step up the level of diligence in trying to assure that certain things are the way I want them before I leave. Yet, in the midst of my diligence and efforts, I have to seriously remember on thing. There is only ONE Messiah. His is Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus the Christ, The Lion of Zion, The Good Shepherd. I could go on, but I mean to say that I am not He. So I must stop stressing over situations that I cannot change. Habits of others cannot be changed by me, for I am not God. So whatever I have not yet done, I don't need to seek to continue to do. God will bring about the change in His time as only He can; and I see now that I need to do is to just continue to pray.
So today we had a great time at church. Minister Marilyn Stewart gave a sermon on "Walking in Victory." It was definitely encouraging because it reaffirmed that victory is not really defined by circumstances or position in life. It is determined and defined by a faith in Christ regardless of the situation. This is my challenge with a message preached by many today. A modern message where your circumstances are explicitly determined by your service and faith in God. So is that to say if your situation is not as it should be, do you have enough faith in God? Or is it a result of you not giving enough? Well, to find the answer to that, I would just say take account of people around the world. I would venture to say tat there are those in countries around the world whose individual measure and exercise of faith is stronger than that of some of our households combined. Yet many go through more in one month than some of us would go through in our entire lives. It is not a commentary on their faith though. Rather it is a reality of the sustaining grace of God in the midst of adverse unjust situations and governments. This was no different than in Christ's day, where to say that the government was oppressive would be a gross understatement. The Romans were some vicious folks! It is God's presence and promise though that keeps us in the most dire of situations.
So last week my Mom and I were in D.C. for my Grandma's class of '59 reunion. We had a great time, but man, was it a BUSY time! It seemed that almost every time I turned around it was time to head back out into DC. We were out at my Grandma's in Gaithersburg. Through the years, I had heard stories about my Grandpa, the late great Curley King, and how he was the King of smooth talk. Well my Mom certainly proved she was certainly Curley King's daughter. The way she maneuvered through the Howard graduation maze was amazing. Then, to top it all off, she got us into the dinner for the honorees. There I met Morpheus himself, Laurence Fishburne, as well as Dick Gregory. I gave Mr. Fishburne a t-shirt. At the time, I didn't have my cards with me, and I thought that all was lost as far as a contact, but thanks to being aware, I got contact info without even asking. How is that for a riddle?
So DC was great, but upon my return I had a slight break from the fun. My sister had to move out of her dorm, so I went to help her upon my return. First though, I spent several hours at Firestone getting the brakes replaced on the Armada. That took quite a while, but in the process I met a really cool young lady and her mother. Her name is Faith Fitzgerald and she is a singer. You can find her on myspace music under her name. So when I finally arrived at A&M, it was well into the evening. Then the "fun" started. Franny D was on the third floor and there were absolutely no elevators. Needless to say, I got quite a bit of exercise. When we finally left, it was past 11 at night, and we stopped in Waco at an HEB parking lot to sleep. Well when we awoke to get back on the road, the car would not start. All of would have been lost, at least for the morning, had it not been for a most kind man in a streetsweeper vehicle. He gave us a jumpstart and was with us for about half an hour trying to start it. What had happened was that the battery was corroded. Thank God for coke...serious stuff!
I just finished watching Doubt...the tension was almost palpable...
Well I think I am just about caught up with my life and its' progress, except for saturday in which I saw The Neverending Story...I will write about that tomorrow though.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Still pressing...
Today I went to church where I had a fruitful time. Lessons learned and God was glorified I believe. Tonight I really want to finish cleaning up my room. Are you all hesitant to go on a trip without a clean room/house? I am, not out of superstition,but just so I don't have to come back and the situation still be the same. We will see if that happens or not, right now I must catch a nap!
Friday, May 1, 2009
and check out his blog at soulmana.com
Getting back to normal...
Ok,so perhaps I should set up a daily reminder on my phone to blog at least something daily now that I can via the celly. I just seem to forget, but I anticipate a flood of posts now that this job will soon be over. I really need to blog, not that I am so great, (although pride is certainly something I continually battle with...what can I say? my Mommy has a really high opinion of me, and I believe her!) but because my thoughts by virtue of me remaining on the earth are valid, and I feel that they should not be bottled up. There are so many ideas running through my head, perhaps another reason why Corey Red is my favorite artist. On a mixtape track, he compares his mind to a TV, running constantly, and I often feel the exact same way. So with so many thoughts, why keep them to yourself, if they might provoke thought in the lives of everyday people to go beyond their current circumstance and reach for greatness? I am reminded of the song, "Ordinary People," by the Rev. James Cleveland and brought to my ears through another gospel great, Danibelle Hall. The song says a lot of things, but for me the most striking is when it says, "little becomes much, when you place it in the Master's hands."
So it is my endeavor with my thoughts, for although they are certainly not always certainly I am trying through His grace and provision. And along with that, I feel I am following with what He has told me to do in regards to this. Certainly not one hundred percent, but what He told me first to do was to start! I have an overtime opportunity tomorrow, so I am going to wrap up, but I am also going to wrap up because I am headed to the...you know where! The gym! I am so looking forward to the extra burden of weight being gone, but even more I am excited about honoring body on a daily basis. A truly biblical concept that I have held in contempt for far too long.
Want new music, check out my main man, Michael Manasseh's re-release of his debut album, MIKESTANDS! Surely it shall be dope.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Back in the saddle...
I didn't get to church because I had to take Jahmicah and Franciel back to university and bus station respectively. It was a good trip! Yet I did get to seriously partake in the goodness of God by taking part in a very special event. I got to meet friends who I had never met yet. It was an awesome day, I met them at the Southlake Art in the Square festival. It was a cornucopia of talent.
Today I finally made it to the dermatologist. I saw the actual doctor for three minutes max, and he gave me a prescription and then prescribed a shot. It seems to be working, and tomorrow (today)I will have to see if the medicine works. Goodnight everyone! Rest calls...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Today has been a good day. I am home in one good piece, and I have grabbed the DVD, "The Good Shepherd" from the living room. We have so many neat DVD's that I have never seen and have no idea about. I really wanted to see this one when it came out, but never got to, so I am looking forward to it and hope that I can stay awake long enough to see it.
I was late for work today. I rushed home after my half day assignment at the high school, then took my library CD back to the library. In the meanwhile, I put the George Foreman grill/griddle to work and had my sister Arlean finish the pancakes that I started. I drove home, ran in, smothered the pancakes in syrup, and then drove on to work. About three fourths of the way through, I ran into a backup...an eighteen wheeler was stranded across two lanes. That additional adventure and subsequent backup put me behind the eight ball, nevertheless the day turned out well.
I should be able to pick Journey up tomorrow. For those that might have frorgotten, that is my car. She is finally ready...My additional project should be ready soon...purchasing my Nikon camera! I am trying to balance everything right now, so I just have to keep me eyes open and my bank account full. Now that my Dad has his truck back, I need to see about getting some lawns to mow. The GRIND is not a game! Some more good news expect some new cloud photos soon...
So what new is going on your world?
Friday, April 17, 2009
Getting back on track...
Everything is coming along well in my world. Ideas are continually flowing, and action is being manifested. My shirts will be on display at a conference tomorrow in Detroit, so I am super excited about that. Shout to Vessel and Maji as well as the rest of The Yuinon for the support.
One of my immediate goals though has got to be doing a much better job of preparing food for the week. With this night time job, I am tempted to eat when I come in at around 10:45, and way too often I give in. I need to increase my intake of fruits during the day so I can curb that night time appetite.
Oh, and my shirts are being sold on consignment at Buffalo Exchange, a unique quasi-thrift/consignment shop. That is definitely encouraging.
So there we have it fam-o in a nutshell. Trust there is plenty more to post on and it will come soon enough, but for now, I need a few hours of rest.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy birthday!
Good morning everyone! I need to start off with a special shout out to Ms. Raquiyba Bolton, aka RaRa! I hope to be able to give an update before work this evening, but we will just have to play it by ear. I have a lot of exciting updates, but I really need to learn how to blog from my phone. Nighty night!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Super quick post...
Just call me Flash! I am subbing at an elementary school, so I must get to bed in the next few minutes. I have improved at work, which is certainly encouraging...but in even bigger news...drum roll please! Franny D got another scholarship!!! She is doing absolutely awesome at Texas A&M, and it all through the power of God! I made progress with my letters to churches today, and am almost ready to really start taking action. Talk to you all tomorrow. I gotta get back to the gym, but thankfully I do mini-crunches in my seat at work.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Good day...
My daily cloud picture won't seem to post...so maybe I will do double tomorrow.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Growing...in spite of myself!
Today, I did a half day at Draper, but I had rode my bike to Davis, another intermediate school. I got my D's confused! Thankfully, my Dad was subbing at Davis, so I was able to leave my bike and take the truck; or I would have had to definitely have had to cancel my assignment, because Draper was a few miles away and the wind was blowing hard.
I have finished most of my lyrics to the "A Milli" beat, but I don't quite know how to finish it. If you have any suggestions, let me know. Here it is thus far...
A quarter, a dime a nickel and finally a penny,
Don’t despise small beginnings but I’m lookin to look at a milli
And sure it may come, but I don’t mean dollars,
Not concerned with Wall Street, and cats in white collars
Ready to hit the streets with a divinely filled up
While reachin out to trap stars, to provide a real re-up
Cause it’s not on the stovetop, where you wait for the cook to spark
I’m here with the cure and push the needle where your hearts dark.
Through vessels and veins, the ventricles it all bleeds red,
Arterial blockage, you suffer from spirit cobwebs,
The envy the pain the backbiting and don’t forget the strife
Men turn into cowards manifestin when they beat their wives
But evil deeds will fall like a rally full of dominos
Think I’m lyin cuz’, don’t forget about Guantanomo
Real recognize real so I shine just like a candle B,
My life is an action movie, while you just deal in fantasy,
God moves like a lion man, in wisdom strength and power
Without Him you think you stand tall, but will fall like the towers.
Tragedy comes we bind together All-American
But when the threat levels high, you just see me as a threat again.
Arrested on the bike leveled with a felony charge
For having a kitchen knife, from cops slow like a barge.
Freedom fighters weren’t free, though they were always more than brave
Right here in America the home of the knave,
The patriot, the racist, the saint and the sinner
The cross burning in the yard while blacks ate at dinner.
Still I rise above it all in a land hinged on democracy,
Progress, broken promises, and often blatant hypocrisy
24 years old with the wisdom of millenniums,
Bask in the Son’s rays, Yeshua the Palestinian,
True Prince of Peace, but still got His battle on
Took the number one spot, in the midst of ancient Babylon
Body scarred beyond recognition bloody pulp on the cross,
Soldiers gambled for His clothes, they surely thought He took a loss
But in three days He rose,
Resurrected straight from death, had the world on their toes,
So while cats chase boppas, sip sizzurp, and still swerve,
The question must be answered still, whom or what do you serve?
See I pray for you and me, but I’m not your priest or your pastor,
Just part of a rescue squad, helping you avoid disaster,
Join with the Master eternal non-fiction,
Through the Spirit of God, before America existed.
Providing you peace without ganja or Don Pereon,
Crystal Meth, PCP, LSD or heroin
Contrary to thought, it won’t really make you celebrate
Can’t protect you in a cell, while you sitting next to Nasty Nate.
Patriot Act is just an excuse for cats
To label you falsely and legally distort the facts.
A few millionaires, who really cares?
What concerns me is why millions of us are in jail
And there are several valid reasons
But the first is your heart as it always commits treason
You need someone one you can trust
As you lack forward motion and waste money on lust
Life without CHRIST is like walking with a coffin
Keep dippin in those chicks and you end up with the goblin
The monster the clap more pain than physicals and coughin
I rap over beats for girls thinkin bout abortion
You may have never known your Dad but don’t have to be an orpan
My clique rolls true while seekin out imposters
Haven’t cut my hair in six years so people they think I’m Rasta.
And my name starts with Jah
Psalm 68:4 read it man, all praises due to Yah
Way maker showing love like a tsunami
Wiser than philosophers, doctors and your swami.
This traves far beyond hip-hop and it’s more than hot or cold
I want to let you know the One who gave the ransom for your soul.