So apparently my saturday post posted on sunday...and my sunday post had saved for today. I am going to finish the sunday one and do Monday's today also...
This Sunday I woke up determined to do better than last weeks setbacks of tardiness and almost missing all of church. The determination paid off, as I was closer to being on time for Sunday school. Maybe next week I will make it to the beginning of service! The service went well, but before that, Arlean and I saw what looked like a meteor shooting through the sky. It felt like we were watching a movie in front of our eyes. Apparently though, it was space junk from the satellites colliding. From what I hear, it did not land but just burned up. That was probably one of the strangest happenings in my life...thus far.
After church, Arlean and I headed back towards home with a few stops along the way. I stopped by the Williams' home to drop off a t-shirt, but alas no one was home. I had a HUGE crush on Jennifer Williams in high school, so it would have been funny and cool to see her and her sister, but perhaps another time. Then we stopped by the Elkhalid household, and it is just an absolute treat anytime we see them. They are hands down one of my favorite families on the planet. It was also a literal treat as well as Mrs. Elkhalid treated us to some cupcakes.
After that, I went to get some paper work for my Mom, and while driving saw my old boss, Mrs. Jaclynn. I love it when random things like that happen. I then returned home and went next door to give my neighbor's Josh and Katy my most recent business cards. They are certainly on the favorite list too, and I could and do spend hours just talking with them. For Josh and I, our favorite thing to talk about is politics. To be honest, I am still somewhat unsure of my political affiliation, but one things I do know is that if more Republicans (and Democrats for that matter) were like him, then the world would TRULY be a better place. I have a definite affinity for people who think (even if we don't necessarily agree) and aren't content to be spoonfed their stance on issues through a filtered lens, Josh is that guy. So we talked for a good while and their kids showed me their Mary and Jesus figurines. They were pretty cool!
I then went to pick up Arlean from her Girl Scout meeting. The rest of the night, I pret
ty much chilled out. I decided though that I would begin to start to share one of favorite things with you all. Anyone who has known me pretty well or who might possibly stalk me on facebook, knows that one of my new favorite things to do is take pictures of clouds. I don't know what it is about them, but they just brighten up my day literally and I believe help me to look beyond the temporal in a way. It is hard to explain, but I am just grateful for these magnificent signature of handiwork by the Bishop of my soul. I will try to share one daily. Enjoy!
This Sunday I woke up determined to do better than last weeks setbacks of tardiness and almost missing all of church. The determination paid off, as I was closer to being on time for Sunday school. Maybe next week I will make it to the beginning of service! The service went well, but before that, Arlean and I saw what looked like a meteor shooting through the sky. It felt like we were watching a movie in front of our eyes. Apparently though, it was space junk from the satellites colliding. From what I hear, it did not land but just burned up. That was probably one of the strangest happenings in my life...thus far.
After church, Arlean and I headed back towards home with a few stops along the way. I stopped by the Williams' home to drop off a t-shirt, but alas no one was home. I had a HUGE crush on Jennifer Williams in high school, so it would have been funny and cool to see her and her sister, but perhaps another time. Then we stopped by the Elkhalid household, and it is just an absolute treat anytime we see them. They are hands down one of my favorite families on the planet. It was also a literal treat as well as Mrs. Elkhalid treated us to some cupcakes.
After that, I went to get some paper work for my Mom, and while driving saw my old boss, Mrs. Jaclynn. I love it when random things like that happen. I then returned home and went next door to give my neighbor's Josh and Katy my most recent business cards. They are certainly on the favorite list too, and I could and do spend hours just talking with them. For Josh and I, our favorite thing to talk about is politics. To be honest, I am still somewhat unsure of my political affiliation, but one things I do know is that if more Republicans (and Democrats for that matter) were like him, then the world would TRULY be a better place. I have a definite affinity for people who think (even if we don't necessarily agree) and aren't content to be spoonfed their stance on issues through a filtered lens, Josh is that guy. So we talked for a good while and their kids showed me their Mary and Jesus figurines. They were pretty cool!
I then went to pick up Arlean from her Girl Scout meeting. The rest of the night, I pret
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