I planned to get a great deal done today since I was not going to be going to work. I somewhat accomplished that. I woke up super early, kind of just laid there and then climbed down the ladder of my bed to my computer to start applying for more jobs. It was so ironic though, for as I was filling out an application and I was filling out the part about my current job, my current job called me, at 7:30 in the AM! It was all good though, it kind of made me laugh. I don't mind calls at weird hours, you never know when someone may really need you. A little while later though, I was ready to go back to bed and I did. I think I slept for like two or three hours. Then I got back up and started cleaning up the living room, as tax time has made the area busy to say the least. My students had said they wanted to be tutored, so I continued cleaning but also tried to contact them. Initially, I didn't reach them so I left voicemails. Then I called my Grandma Franciel, and we caught up on what is happening down in Miami. Apparently, she didn't know definitively that I was coming to live there, but now she does! Her Cadillac has died, so now she is in the hunt for a new car. I believe she is done with luxury vehicles, and now wants to focus on storage ability, so we have suggested the Dodge Caravan Stow n' Go, which allows storage in the panels of the car. We had a really good conversation and it was a boost to my day. Then I got back on the computer and altered my real estate settings to Miami instead of Baltimore. (I really need to sell some shirts now!) My students arrived soon after, and we went to the backyard to clean up more.
The backyard is really getting there. We moved more bricks and I revved up the lawnmower to do some mowing which really helped to make things look better. The other day when my students and I were stacking bricks in the backyard, I thought in my head how cool it was to build a miniature seat/throne out of bricks, and I think I am actually going to do it. It is pretty cool to actually think about doing outside of work instead of just wondering, how long until I go inside? Although I have always been willing to help with outside work, my brother Jahmicah has always been more inclined to outdoor projects. I doubt I will ever pass him, but at least it is a start. I don't really even want to pass him, but I do want to get to a point of proficiency. After the backyard, I briefly went back to the job search and applied for a position at the Miami Jewish Homes and Hospital of Douglas Gardens. I hope to hear back from them soon.
Work at the gym, went well. I sold a membership! It had been awhile so that was good news. Before I went to work though, I went to the library to turn in the movies I had checked out. "Legacy" was one, and the other was the original "Manchurain Candidate." I loved both, but original was certainly darker. What I found especially cool in the movie was some of the imagination used. For example, in one scene where Raymond Shaw is commanded to shoot a comrade he does so, and instead of showing the actual shot take place, the film creatively just shows a patch of blood staining the wall from the shot. I thought effects like this were very forward for the time. Plus, I am a really big Angela Lansbury fan, and it was kind of crazy to see her in such a domineering light. So I turned that again and checked out "Mothman Prophecies" and "The Neverending Story II." I really wanted the first Neverending Story, but will have to settle on the second one for now. I don't think I have ever seen the second. You know what they say about sequels...hopefully this one won't be true, but I have a feeling...
This is my second installment of my cloud pictures...
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